Forgetting past "issues" and "not worrying" about the future does not seem to be something we women generally do well. My mom often told me "don't remind your partner, or anyone else of past errors, misjudgments, or sins." Otherwise don't harp, grieve, waste time in fruitless activity that only brings sorrow. The bible even says should not remind ourselves of what WE have done wrong. "Love covers a multitude of sins."... "Set your minds on things above NOT the things that are on earth!"
Do you live in the "what ifs" and the "if onlys" do you tend to mentally head for the past or the future, forgetting we only have grace/strength for the now. If we use it (grace for the now) wisely and learn to rehearse and memorize scripture instead .. our heart will begin to rejoice in God and our real enemy (bad thoughts) will flee.THAT is the truth .. but often we need to remind each other and ourselves to live by faith and not "feelings"
When I was a new believer I was so traumatized when my feelings would crash .. I felt condemned and hopeless until I learned the little word "fix" in the bible. "Fix ... your thoughts on things above, not on things of earth." Fix is a ...nautical term. I think of it ... like when (or if) you are lost at sea you find out where you are by focusing (taking a fix on the stars) not on the water and endless waves ... but on the stars that never are out of order. Fix is something we do apart from feelings. We fix or (set) our sight on what never changes .. not on the changeable nature of our womanhood. The things that never change are God and His word. In the long night hours if we have our heart full of God's word we can fix our thoughts on the word of God and meditate on it ... and the mind conversations will flee. Taking a fix is an act of our will. Thanks girls/guys I was just rehearsing this for me. Had a big change in MY plans and direction this week and needed to "fix" my thoughts on God's plan and not my own!!!
When I was a new believer I was so traumatized when my feelings would crash .. I felt condemned and hopeless until I learned the little word "fix" in the bible. "Fix ... your thoughts on things above, not on things of earth." Fix is a ...nautical term. I think of it ... like when (or if) you are lost at sea you find out where you are by focusing (taking a fix on the stars) not on the water and endless waves ... but on the stars that never are out of order. Fix is something we do apart from feelings. We fix or (set) our sight on what never changes .. not on the changeable nature of our womanhood. The things that never change are God and His word. In the long night hours if we have our heart full of God's word we can fix our thoughts on the word of God and meditate on it ... and the mind conversations will flee. Taking a fix is an act of our will. Thanks girls/guys I was just rehearsing this for me. Had a big change in MY plans and direction this week and needed to "fix" my thoughts on God's plan and not my own!!!